Coins Wiki: Honeyland

Learn about Honeyland and its in-game token, $HXD.

Token name







Summary of Project

Honeyland is a play and earn casual strategy game where users build out their hive to harvest Honey ($HXD). It’s available worldwide on iOS and Android app stores and free to play. 


Contract Address


Token Max Supply




Year incorporated


History of Honeyland

Honeyland is the first game from Hexagon Studios. It’s a free, play-to-earn casual strategy game for mobile phones. Available worldwide on app stores and boasts over 70,000 monthly players that go through over 475,000 missions daily. Players earn Honey (HXD) and in-game items which they can use to build stronger hives to hunt and harvest more efficiently in the game.

Started in 2021, it has rapidly scaled to one of the best crypto mobile games on the market.

What is the project goal of Honeyland?

Mission of Honeyland is to introduce millions of people to crypto through gaming. Honeyland is built with most of the blockchain activity in the background. It’s fun first, and simple to on-board for anyone, even if you have never heard of crypto. You can also buy the token in-app and buy/list/sell your NFTs directly in the app.

How do I play Honeyland? Is it free-to-play?

Download from any App Store worldwide and start playing for free as long as you want.

Pro tip: Match your bees mood to your queens when you go out on missions!

What is $HXD? What are its use cases?

$HXD is the single-token that fuels the Honeyverse. You earn it while playing Honeyland and can use it to: upgrade your bees, breed, change the cosmetics of your bees, participate in raffles, mints, and more.

What sets Honeyland apart from other Web3 games?

Honeyland has innovated every step of the way. From being approved in App Stores worldwide, to allowing you to buy their token through in-app purchases, to being able to buy/list/sell your NFTs in the game. Even being able to click one-button sign-in with Google or Apple to get started - it’s simple and fun for anyone from kids to seniors to play and start earning in web3.

What can we expect from Honeyland this 2024?

New mints, new universes, and maybe even a new game!

Learn more about Honeyland here:

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