Coins Wiki: HIRO

Learn about Hiro, a blockchain-based game platform that provides P23 experience to users.

Token name







Summary of Project

Hiro NFT Game Platform is a blockchain-based game platform that provides P2E (PLAY TO EARN) experience to users. This platform forms a P2E Game Alliance that includes various games to provide users with a variety of experiences, and automatically converts Hiro Tokens into in-game goods to grant rewards. In addition to this, the virtual value of existing users can be used within the Hiro NFT Game Platform, forming a multi-economy ecosystem through swap with various game company assets of Game Alliance. This platform connects games and players, adds values to various gaming activities, and provides services that enable communication with players from around the world.

Contract Address


Token Max Supply

1,000,000,000 HRT


Year incorporated


History of HIRO

Hiro & Heroes Foundation is a leading organization dedicated to integrating blockchain technology with innovative gaming experiences. The foundation strives to create a fusion of digital assets and interactive entertainment.

Hiro & Heroes Foundation previously launched a game called Little Legions, which has already been played by over 50,000 users.

Recently, they also completed the CBT for Ragnarok 20 Heroes NFT, and we are preparing for the grand opening at the end of June. More than 50,000 users have pre-registered, and we expect over 100,000 users to join us at the grand opening.

What is the project goal of HIRO?

The Hiro Project Team wants to create a gaming economy platform with a variety of gaming economies and a gaming system that allows users to play and take part in the profits.

What is $HIRO? What are its use cases?

Players use Hiro Tokens to play games or buy items. You can customize your avatar and collect items through gameplay. Players can use the tokens to acquire item assets and admission tickets, and they can obtain additional rewards through staking.

In the future, Hiro players will also be able to upload their content to the NFT marketplace and earn tokens.

What sets HIRO apart from other Web3 games?

The value objective of Hiro Game-Fi is to make it easy for players to start playing without any initial investment and to allow them to earn money through the gaming platform. Over time, some free-to-play players will make investments and contribute profitable results to the gaming ecosystem. In the long run, all players' progress will contribute to the platform (building the ecosystem) through the Hiro Economy, and they will be rewarded for this through the Tokens. Buyers of NFTs will be able to acquire specific Hiro items, which will be utilized in the game.

What can we expect from HIRO this 2024?

In 2024, the official launch of Ragnarok 20 Heroes NFT is scheduled, and NFTs that can be used in the game will be issued sequentially. Additionally, players can obtain HRT Tokens through Hiro Game activities and connect in-game content with NFTs, reselling them for Hiro Tokens. Further exchange listings are also planned.

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