4 Tips to Make Your Account More Secure

Make your account more secure with this easy to follow security checklist

At Coins.ph, we take your account security very seriously. Here's an easy to follow account security checklist to make your account more secure:

Tip 1: Use a Strong and Unique Password

Create a unique password for your Coins.ph account - one that you haven't used for your email, social media, and other accounts.

Your password should be difficult to guess so don't include your name, common words, or personal details (e.g. your birthdate).

A strong password is at least 10 characters in length with a mix of upper-case and lower-case letters, numbers, and special characters like "%" or "&"

Tip 2: Never Share Your Password and 2FA Codes

Keep your password and 2FA codes to yourself. Never share them with anyone - even with friends and family. Most importantly, never send your password via SMS or email.

Remember: Coins.ph will never ask for your password or 2FA code via email, text, or other means of communication outside of our sign in screens and transaction confirmations

You shouldn't forward emails from Coins.ph to other people as well because these emails may contain sensitive information about your account.

If you're using a computer you share with other people, make sure to log out after

Tip 3: Check The Website Address Before You Log In

Always check the website's URL before you enter your login information. Check that the URL is https://coins.ph, https://coins.asia/, or https://pro.coins.asia/

Maintain your account security by checking the URL before you log in

Through a practice called phishing, fraudsters imitate credible websites to steal passwords and gain access to your account.

If you come across any suspicious activity, please report this to help@coins.ph immediately

Tip 4: Enable 2FA via Google Authenticator

Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an extra layer of protection to your account. When you log in or make a transaction, 2FA prompts you to enter a unique, randomly generated code. Because 2FA codes are randomly created, these are very difficult to hack.

By default, your account has 2FA via SMS. We strongly encourage you to enable 2FA via Google Authenticator for added protection. Learn how

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