How to Get Your UMID ID: A Step-by-Step Guide

A Unified Multi-Purpose ID (UMID) acts as a 3-in-1 lifetime membership card for SSS, PhilHealth, and Pag-IBIG.
How to Get Your UMID ID: A Step-by-Step Guide

A Unified Multi-Purpose ID (UMID) serves as a 3-in-1 identification card, combining your SSS, PhilHealth, and Pag-IBIG memberships. Not only does the UMID function as your lifetime membership card for these government services, but it also includes a wireless chip for ATM withdrawals of SSS and GSIS benefits. 

If you haven't applied for your UMID yet, now is the time. Here’s how to get your UMID in five simple steps.

Step 1: Gather Your Documents

To start your UMID application, make sure to have the following documents prepared:

  • Duly accomplished UMID card application form
  • Original or certified true copy of one of the following primary IDs:
    • Passport
    • Driver's license
    • Seaman's Book
    • PRC ID

If you don’t have any of these primary IDs, you may present two secondary IDs containing your name and birthdate. View the full list of secondary IDs here.

Step 2: Submit Your Requirements

Head to an SSS branch that offers UMID enrollment or processing services. Keep in mind that not all SSS branches process UMID applications, so it’s essential to confirm this before you visit. Once at the correct branch, queue up for document verification and processing. 

Check out the list of SSS branches that accommodate UMID applications here.

Step 3: Have Your Photo and Biometrics Taken

After document verification, you’ll proceed to have your photo and biometrics (fingerprints) captured. This is when you’ll get a preview of what your UMID card will look like. 

Be sure to double-check all your details, including your name, birthdate, and address. If any errors are found, notify the staff immediately to avoid delays. While the first UMID card is free, incorrect information may require a reprint at your expense.

Step 4: Wait for Your UMID Delivery

Typically, the UMID card will be delivered within 30 days from your application date. However, delivery times may vary depending on the branch—some branches can take as little as 5–7 days, while others may require 2–4 months for delivery.

Step 5: Activate Your UMID Card

Once your UMID card arrives, you must activate it at an SSS branch or kiosk. Activation can be done at any SSS office, so find a convenient location near you. It’s crucial to activate your card as soon as you receive it to start using it for its intended functions.

Convenient Online Payments with

Now that you have your UMID card, you can use your app to pay your Pag-IBIG contributions and loans directly from your phone—no more waiting in long government lines! Download the app and enjoy the convenience of digital payments.

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