Cash In Guide: How to add funds to your Wallet

Find your banks or e-wallet from this list to learn how to cash in online to
Cash In Guide: How to add funds to your Wallet

Add funds to your Coins Wallet while staying safe at home! Using your mobile banking app or e-wallet, you can easily transfer funds directly to your Coins Wallet. Just look for or DCPay Philippines in the banks list of your mobile banking app or e-wallet.

To use this service, you would need to connect your mobile number to your account. Your account must also be ID and Selfie Verified and the amount you transfer should be within your cash in limits. (Read: How to Change Mobile Number in

Find your banks or e-wallet from this list to learn how to cash in online:

1. Metrobank Mobile Banking

metrobank mobile banking

2. UnionBank Online App

unionbank online app
unionbank online banking

3. RCBC Savings Bank

rcbc savings bank

4. Land Bank Mobile Banking App

land bank online

5. PNB Mobile Banking App

pnb online
pnb online

6. GCash

gcash application

7. Paymaya


8. East West Mobile App

east west bank

9. PSBank Mobile App

psbank online
psbank online

10. China Bank Mobile App

china bank online

11. Asia United Bank Mobile App

aub online banking

12. UCPB Mobile Banking App

ucpb online banking

13. Robinson Bank Online App

robinson bank

14. CIMB App

cimb bank ph

15. ING Bank

ing online banking
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