Coins Wiki: AIRian

Learn about AIRian, the DePin project offering walking, running, and marathon competitions.

Token name







Summary of Project

AIRian is a project aimed at building the world's largest community by onboarding over 22 running and marathon event IPs onto Web3, starting with the 'Seoul International Marathon', one of the world's top 7 marathons, which has been running for decades.

Additionally, AIRian is a sports AI that collects users' health data and provides customized services in the ecosystem. This computational task uses GPU power(From to receive fast and sophisticated data and provide customized AI services to users.

We build infrastructure by connecting various offline running and marathon events that have been ongoing for decades with Web3 services (DePIN).

The aforementioned IPs are provided by AIRian's main exclusive partner, Dong-A Media Group (Korea's largest media and broadcasting company).

Existing user database of 450K from running and marathon events will migrate to RunnerX, AIRian's main platform, where all event ticketing will be done using $AIR tokens. And based on this, AIRian provides global online hiking, running and marathon events and builds a huge global community.

Contract Address


Token Max Supply

1 Billion 



Year incorporated


History of AIRian
AIRian is a DePin project onboarded in 2023 based on IPs from global running and marathon competitions that have been ongoing for decades. It has the world's largest marathon competitions, with 450,000 people participating each year.

As a partner with Korea's largest media company, Donga Media Group, AIRian was able to onboard a vast and tangible running ecosystem to Web3. AIRian founder, Jay C, has been working as a planner and video expert in Manhattan, New York for a long time.

What is the project goal of AIRian?
AIRian's main mission is to provide fun and sustainable healthcare services to 300 million runners around the world. By onboarding users to AIRian's vast and tangible online and offline walking, running and marathon competitions, we improve their quality of life and continuously carry out walking and running missions in a fun way.

AIRian's ultimate goal is to build the world's largest web3 running community.

What are the different projects under the AIRian. ecosystem?
AIRian's ultimate goal is to build the world's largest web3 running community. AIRian’s token narrative to achieve this goal is as follows.

While there are currently a variety of DePIN technology providers, AIRian aims to be the most extensive project to build on this technology and integrate DePin's use cases and usage data.

In a situation where web2 and web3 technical infrastructure and providers exist to implement DePin, AIRian is believed to be in an optimal position and has a competitive advantage in building an ecosystem and activating massive data through this infrastructure and technology.

AIRian has dozens of running and marathon competition IPs, and 450,000 people participate every year in the Korean market alone. This ecosystem will be applied to AIRian web3 ecosystems and those huge actual running and marathon IPs are provided by DongA Media Group exclusively.

It is directly connected to the actual ecosystem and also to real assets. We have a huge pool of existing users from the actual running and marathon competition IPs, including Seoul International Marathon and more.

AIRian, through its Runner platform, facilitates payments for running competitions using $AIR tokens. With the launch of Runner-X, it collects user data such as height, weight, and age, alongside body rhythm data from smartwatches.

This data is analyzed and used for healthcare insights, with compensation provided to users. AI-driven personalized tracks enhance the experience, and AIRian’s web3 commerce platform offers tailored products. With over 20 IPs from top global marathons, including the Seoul International Marathon, AIRian leads in user data quality, extending its reach to global online events and positioning itself as a top AI sports healthcare project.

What is $AIR? What are its use cases?
$AIR is the governance and utility token used by AIRian. AIRian Token Utility can be used for the ff:

  • DeFI Staking
  • Worldwide online/offline running & marathon ticketing
  • AIRian Marketplace purchases for avatars and items
  • Reward and incentives

What sets AIRian apart from other Web3 projects?
AIRian is a project prepared to become the world's number one project in the running sector. And with the population of 300 million runners rapidly increasing, the AIRian's market growth looks positive.

What can we expect from AIRian this 2024?
- In August, AIRian was selected as a top project by the Astar Foundation in the Japanese WEB3 market, and AIRian's first NFT Genesis minting will be held. For more info, click here.
- At the end of August, AIRBOMB and Air Node will be on public sale.

In September, AIRian plans to hold side events with several global exchanges at Asia's largest blockchain event, KBW, and a running event with the $SHIB community. We are currently discussing a mini marathon in Manila, Philippines with YGG in November.

The Runner X official version, AIRian's main product, is scheduled to be launched in 2024. In the official version, marathon running competitions around the world are onboarded to RunnerX, and numerous runners can pay participation fees with $AIR Tokens.

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