Coins Wiki: Hivemapper

Learn about Hivemapper, a decentralized mapping network, and its token $HONEY.

Token name







Summary of Project

The Hivemapper Network, launched in November 2022, is an open, global, and decentralized mapping network that uses AI to build a map from the driving we do everyday. Thanks to its vibrant contributor community, the Hivemapper Network collects millions of kilometers of road-level imagery every week.


HONEY Tokenomics

The token economics of the Hivemapper Network are designed to ensure that HONEY will be available to fulfill demand for map data, but relatively scarce with a known maximum.

Tokens were allocated as follows:

  • 40% to contributors as rewards for their participation in building the Hivemapper Network.

  • 20% to investors for providing the startup capital required to launch the Hivemapper Network.

  • 20% to employees of Hivemapper Inc. for building the technical and operational systems that are necessary to run the Hivemapper Network.

  • 15% to Hivemapper Inc. for providing R&D and operational support to the Hivemapper Network.

  • 5% to the Hivemapper Foundation, which facilitates the ongoing management and success of the Hivemapper Network.

Burn and Mint

An on-chain marketplace between the Hivemapper Network’s contributors and customers is created through a Burn and Mint structure. This system is based on a Net Emissions Model, which means that whenever map consumers burn tokens to access services on the network, a share of the tokens is reissued to contributors as Map Consumption Rewards.

Map Credits

To conceptualize how customers access the Hivemapper Network, imagine an arcade where customers buy tokens for a set price per token and use them to play games. The greater the number of tokens purchased, the greater the number of games that can be played. In the case of the Hivemapper Network, consumers of map data purchase map credits. A map credit is a USD-pegged utility token that can be used to consume map data. With more map credits, more map data can be consumed. 

Map credits are the mechanism by which map data consumers compensate the network of contributors for their work. Not only can customers buy map credits to get access to existing data, map credits can also be used to set priorities for upcoming data collection.

As contributors continuously progress the map and make it more useful, more services can be built on top of the Hivemapper Network. As more of these services are consumed, the number of HONEY tokens burned and re-minted will increase. As the demand for map credits (and therefore HONEY) increases, the velocity at which HONEY is burned and re-minted will also increase, and the value of HONEY will become tightly linked to the utility that the Hivemapper Network provides.

Contract Address


Token Max Supply




Year incorporated


History of Hivemapper
Ariel Seidman, Hivemapper's founder, developed a deep passion for maps during his early career at Yahoo! Maps. Witnessing Yahoo! Maps' decline against Google Maps fueled his determination to create a world-class map, setting the stage for Hivemapper.

 In 2010, Seidman founded Gigwalk, a global data collection network. However, challenges such as poor economic viability and lack of data ownership led to its struggles. Seeking a better approach, Seidman pivoted to mapping with drones in 2015 but faced practical limitations. This eventually led to using third-party dashcams for street-level imagery, which became the foundation for Hivemapper.

Hivemapper officially launched in November 2022 as a decentralized mapping network on the Solana blockchain. The network incentivizes contributors with HONEY tokens and uses the Hivemapper Dashcam for continuous data collection. The mission is to build the world’s freshest, decentralized map at a fraction of the cost of traditional methods.

What is the project goal of Hivemapper? 
Hivemapper is a decentralized mapping network that aims to create a global map using dashcam footage contributed by users. The business model is centered around incentivizing individuals to capture and share geospatial data by rewarding them with a native cryptocurrency token called HONEY. Contributors, known as "mappers," earn HONEY tokens for the map data they collect using Hivemapper Dashcams. 

Hivemapper generates revenue by selling map data and analytics to businesses and developers who require up-to-date and accurate geographical information. This includes industries such as logistics, urban planning, and real estate, which rely on detailed mapping data to optimize operations. By maintaining a decentralized network, Hivemapper reduces the overhead costs associated with traditional mapping companies, enabling it to offer competitive pricing for its data products.

Additionally, the project is sustained by building a community-driven ecosystem where users are encouraged to contribute continuously. The tokenomics of HONEY are designed to create a sustainable economic model, where the demand for tokens by businesses needing access to Hivemapper's data can support the reward system for contributors. The project also leverages strategic partnerships and collaborations with tech companies to expand its reach and application, thus ensuring its growth and profitability over the long term.

What are the different projects under the Hivemapper ecosystem? 
We’ve just announced a major partnership with HERE technologies, a leading map data provider. HERE processes over 28 billion location updates per day, enabling highly accurate real-time data. The company is backed by shareholders that include Audi, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Intel and Mitsubishi.

This is the first of many case studies we expect to unveil as we work with auto companies, mapping companies, municipalities, etc.

Our audience includes:
1. Map Contributors

  • Individuals: People who want to earn cryptocurrency by capturing map data using dashcams.
  • Drivers: Commercial fleets, rideshare drivers, delivery drivers, or anyone who regularly drives in urban or suburban areas.

2. Mapping Enthusiasts

  • Hobbyists: Individuals interested in contributing to open mapping projects or participating in the decentralization of map data.
  • Community Members: Local communities wanting to improve the map data of their area for better navigation and resource planning.

3. Businesses

  • Logistics and Delivery Companies: Companies needing accurate, up-to-date maps to optimize routes and improve delivery efficiency.
  • Fleet Management: Organizations managing fleets that require constant mapping updates to ensure optimal routing and navigation.
  • Autonomous Vehicle Developers: Companies developing self-driving cars that need detailed and current maps for navigation systems.

4. Urban Planners and Governments

  • City Planners: Local governments looking for detailed and current geographic information for urban planning and infrastructure development.
  • Transport Authorities: Agencies needing updated road information for traffic management and planning.

5. GIS and Data Analysts

  • Geographic Information System (GIS) Analysts: Professionals needing accurate, current geographic data for analysis and reporting.
  • Research Institutions: Organizations conducting geographic or environmental research that require up-to-date mapping information.

6. Cryptocurrency Enthusiasts

  • Crypto Users: Individuals interested in earning or utilizing cryptocurrency through new and innovative projects.
  • Blockchain Enthusiasts: People who support decentralized platforms and want to contribute to a decentralized mapping system.

Hivemapper's appeal lies in its ability to provide real-time, decentralized mapping solutions, attracting a diverse range of users from individuals to businesses and governmental agencies.

What is $HONEY? What are its use cases?
HONEY tokens are used to create economic incentives across the Hivemapper Network, while balancing the needs of two groups within our ecosystem:

  1. Contributors who help build the map. They can receive HONEY as a reward for:
    - Mapping with their dashcam
    - Mapping with their phone
    - Training the Map AI by labeling and editing data
  2. Enterprises and Developers who consume map data to support their products and services. HONEY is burned whenever they consume data from the Hivemapper Network.

HONEY was built on top of the Solana blockchain. The first HONEY was minted on November 1, 2022 as part of block 158569587.

What sets Hivemapper apart from other Web3 projects? 
Google Maps is our main focus for disruption, however there are other crypto-based platforms aiming to tackle similar problems. Still, we have a significant advantage in data quality and cost. Unlike other platforms that rely on smartphones for street imagery, which often leads to lower quality maps, Hivemapper uses a specialized dashcam. This provides better positional accuracy and image quality, resulting in fewer mapping gaps and less data rejection.

Hivemapper stands out from other Web3 projects in several key ways:

  1. Real-World Utility: Many Web3 projects focus on digital assets or purely online experiences. Hivemapper, on the other hand, connects the digital world with the physical one by creating a decentralized map of the world. This map is built from real-world data collected by users, making it practical and directly applicable for navigation, logistics, and other geospatial needs.
  2. Incentivized Participation: Hivemapper uniquely incentivizes its community through a cryptocurrency reward system, allowing contributors to earn tokens by capturing and sharing mapping data. This model not only drives user engagement but also ensures continuous, up-to-date map data generation.
  3. Scalability and Data Quality: Hivemapper’s approach to crowd-sourced mapping allows it to scale rapidly and gather vast amounts of data from a global user base. The decentralized nature ensures that the map evolves dynamically, reflecting real-time changes in the environment.
  4. Focus on Privacy: Many Web3 projects emphasize privacy, but Hivemapper takes this a step further by ensuring that contributors' data is anonymized and secured on the blockchain. This focus on privacy builds trust among users, encouraging wider participation.

What can we expect from Hivemapper this 2024? 

1. Platform Enhancements:

  • Map Quality Improvement:
    • Deployment of Advanced AI Algorithms: Implement AI models to enhance map data accuracy and automate anomaly detection.
    • Improved Map Rendering: Upgrade visualization tools for better clarity and usability.
  • User Experience (UX) Enhancements:
    • Interface overhaul: revamp interfaces for improved user interaction and accessibility.

2. Community Expansion Initiatives:

  • Referral Program Launch:
    • Partnerships with key opinion leaders: collaborate with mapping and blockchain influencers to promote Hivemapper in diverse online communities.
  • Mappers Meetup Events:
    • Host virtual and in-person meetups in major cities to engage the community, provide training, and share success stories.

3. Technical Integrations:

  • API Expansion:
    • Partnership with Mapping Tools: Collaborate with GIS software companies to integrate Hivemapper data, offering users a broader range of applications.
  • Dashcam Firmware Update:
    • Roll out firmware updates to improve device performance and data collection capabilities.
    • New Dashcam Model: Launch updated version of dashcams with enhanced features.

4. Market Expansion:

  • Strategic Partnerships:
    • Form alliances with transportation and logistics companies to provide tailored mapping solutions.
    • Collaboration with automotive manufacturers: embed Hivemapper dashcams in new vehicle models for data collection at scale.
  • Regional Expansion:
    • Target new geographic areas for expansion, focusing on underserved regions with limited mapping coverage.
    • Localized marketing campaigns: develop campaigns tailored to specific regions to raise brand awareness and attract local contributors.

Over the course of 2024 and 2025, we will develop an open-source hardware and software platform based on the Bee (our next-gen dashcam) and start working toward integrating the Hivemapper mapping technology into a wide range of vehicles and aftermarket devices.

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