Coins Wiki: MetalCore

MetalCore is a sci-fi MMO web3 game featuring epic mechs and PvP battles. Learn more about it here!

Token name




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Summary of Project

MetalCore is a sci-fi MMO web3 game developed by a veteran game dev team featuring epic mechs and PvP battles. 

Forge alliances, recruit your squad, scavenge blueprints and grow your destructive arsenal of Mechs in your pursuit of planetary dominance. Winner of Global Blockchain Show’s Best Blockchain Game of the Year, and GAM3 2022 Award for Best Shooter Game

MetalCore’s 'scanning' system lets players obtain blueprints from fallen enemies, craft new units, and convert them to NFTs using MetalCore’s token, $MCG. $MCG is also used to reward engagement, time invested, and skills. MetalCore has adopted the $MCG token as a core part of the game economy, playing a key role in player progression and rewards.


Contract Address


Token Max Supply




Year incorporated


History of MetalCore

MetalCore is a sci-fi MMO featuring epic mechs and PvPvE battles in an open-world, with deep crafting mechanics and player-driven economy. Set on the distant planet of Kerberos, players must survive an adrenaline-fueled battleground starting as a foot soldier, climb the ranks and grow their destructive arsenal of mechs and war machines. Forge alliances, recruit your squad, scavenge blueprints and upgrade gear in your pursuit of planetary dominance.

MetalCore offers various game modes like domination and objective-based challenges.The game's player-driven economy allows for upgrades, purchases, and rewards, ensuring a truly immersive and customizable gaming experience for every player.

Hosting up to 60 players per server, it encourages both collaboration and competition as players vie for dominance on the battlefield. With over 150 playable Mechs, Tanks, Aircraft, and Infantry units, MetalCore promises endless hours of exhilarating gameplay. Join the battle on Kerberos and become a legend in MetalCore.

MetalCore is being developed by a team of industry veterans, each with more than a decade of experience at gaming giants like Activision, Lucasfilm, Midway, and Phosphor. Their portfolios include work on iconic games and franchises such as Mechwarrior 2, Gears of War, Mortal Kombat, Silent Hill, Killer Instinct, Front Mission, LOTR Return to Moria, World of Mechs VR, and more.

MetalCore won Global Blockchain Show’s Best Blockchain Game of the Year, and has already won the GAM3 2022 Award for Best Shooter Game.
MetalCore recently raised $5 million in March 2024, and previously raised $15 million in 2021.

How do I play MetalCore? Is it free-to-play?

To play MetalCore today, you can do the following:

  1. Buy a Founders Pack to get access to MetalCore’s Closed Beta 3.2
  2. Participate in the Leaderboard Reward Systems where the top 1,000 players will be able to win a % of the $MCG token reward pool on a monthly basis.
  3. Each Founders Pack includes a Beta Access Code, along with other in-game items and gear such as weapons, Infantry, Vehicles, and Mechs (depending on which pack).
  4. Users can also get a chance to be invited into the Closed Beta playtest by signing up at for a chance to be invited into the playtest. Beta access not guaranteed.

What is $MCG? What are its use cases?

The MetalCore economy is made up of 3 types of currencies, working together to incentivize gameplay, drive revenue, enable free-to-play, and accrue value to the token as the game’s player base grows.

  • Credits: Is MetalCore’s in-game soft currency that is earned in-game and used for a variety of player progression loops.
  • SHARDS: Is MetalCore’s semi-premium currency that acts as one of the main revenue drivers for the game. Players will be able to purchase this for key action items in the game that are compelling and fun.
  • HYPERIUM: Is MetalCore’s premium currency. Players can use Hyperium for minting game items into NFTs and ranking up those NFT units. Hyperium is earned through burning NFTs.
  • MCG: Is an ERC-20 token adopted by the game. It is convertible to SHARD and HYPERIUM and also used in a number of exclusive $MCG utilities in game.

MCG is a token that powers a player’s progression to the top of game leaderboards and game progress. The more players advance, the more they need to consume $MCG.

Anything SHARD and HYPERIUM can be used for is a SINK for $MCG.

What can we expect from MetalCore this 2024?

Companion Web-App Mobile Game. Coming soon.

MetalCore Arena allows you to take MetalCore with you on-the-go wherever you are. It is the official mobile experience to support MetalCore. A web-app game that is linked to your wallet. One account, one email, two awesome gameplay experiences.

Barony Program (aka Guild Wars)

The Barony Program is a cornerstone of MetalCore's economy and player engagement. It offers a structured way for players to collaborate and compete, providing guild wars to engage competitive players to win $MCG rewards in the Leaderboard Rewards system live starting day 1 of TGE. Depending on the Barony level, these rewards can be individual or for the collective barony.

Servers are Full Production-Ready for Scale

Our servers can accommodate a large volume of players. It can open up a lot of servers to accommodate a growing player base so we can sustainably scale in growth as the game grows.

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