Coins Wiki: PlatON

Learn about PlatON, an open financial infrastructure with privacy-preserving computation at its core

Token name







Summary of Project

PlatON is an open financial infrastructure initiated and promoted by the LatticeX Foundation, offering financial-grade system stability and performance, cryptography-enhanced compliant digital asset management, multi-scenario encrypted payment and settlement solutions, and a smooth, user-friendly experience. PlatON Web3.0 financial solution leverages the robust blockchain underlying technology of the PlatON public chain, providing a secure, compliant, faster, and more cost-effective financial solution.

Token Max Supply


Year incorporated


History of PlatON

Belle World Test Network launch
- Open Source PlatON Belle World

Alaya forerunner network launch
- High Performance Asynchronous BFT Consensus
- Staking Economic Model
- EVM and WASM dual virtual machine support
- Secure assets across chains
- DeFi platform and portal
- Privacy DeFi Capabilities

PlatON Mainnet launch
- Increase the number of validators
- Optimized economic model
- Fully compatible with Ethereum
- Privacy-preserving Computation Network (Metis) launch
- Data/computing node networking
- Secure multi-party computation protocol
- Decentralized computation scheduling

Privacy-preserving AI Platform (Moirae) launch
-Privacy-preserving AI development platform
-Privacy-preserving AI Service Marketplace
-Privacy-preserving AI economic incentive model

Topos Launch
- Topos Tokenized Deposit Issuance System Launch
- Topos RemiNet Launch

ZKPAY Launch

What is the project goal of PlatON?

Privacy Protection and Data Security: PlatON utilizes advanced cryptographic technologies such as homomorphic encryption and zero-knowledge proofs to protect user data privacy. This allows users to verify the authenticity and integrity of data without revealing specific details.

High Performance and System Stability: PlatON is designed to offer financial-grade system stability and performance, capable of handling large-scale transactions and complex computations to meet enterprise-level application demands.

Compliance and Transparency: As an open financial infrastructure, PlatON supports compliant digital asset management, enhancing the system's transparency and trustworthiness.

Cost-Effectiveness: PlatON reduces transaction and operational costs through blockchain technology, making financial solutions faster and more economical.

What are the different projects under the PlatON network?

TOPOS - Web3.0 Solutions For Business

Similar to traditional Visa/Mastercard financial services, TOPOS' enterprise Web3.0 financial solution leverages the robust blockchain underlying technology of the PlatON public chain, providing a secure, compliant, faster, and more cost-effective financial solution.

Clients access the TOPOS ecosystem, sharing the global payment institution network, acquiring more digital assets, facilitating efficient and convenient payments, reducing costs, and accelerating business innovation to drive new revenue.

What sets PlatON apart from other Web3 projects?

What sets aside PlatON from other Web3 projects is its:

1. Focus on Compliant Payments

2. Ultra-low Fees

3. Milisecond-level Response

4. Cross-chainS Cross-platform Compatibility

5. Interoperable Computing System

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