Coins Wiki: TokenFi

Learn about $TOKEN, the all-in-one tokenization platform for creating tokens and tokenizing Real World Assets (RWAs).
Token name Metaverse
Ticker $TOKEN
Network BNB Smart Chain / Ethereum
Summary of Project TokenFi allows users to create a token or tokenize Real World Assets (RWA) in a simple all-in-one platform without the need for writing a line of code.
Contract Address 0x4507cEf57C46789eF8d1a19EA45f4216bae2B528
Token Max Supply 10,000,000,000 $TOKEN
Blockchain BNB Smart Chain / Ethereum
Year incorporated 2023

History of TokenFi
TokenFi TokenFi was established on October 27, 2023. It’s an all-in-one tokenization platform for creating tokens and tokenizing Real World Assets (RWA)using a simple WYSIWYG interface. TokenFi is taking on the tokenization and RWA industry, which is projected to be a $16 trillion industry by 2030.

TokenFi is a Floki project and is controlled by the Floki DAO. It is led by the Floki Core Team, whose expertise launched the Floki token into a global stage as one of the world’s popular cryptocurrencies with an impressive 495,000+ holders, a brand recognized by over 3 billion people, and an All-Time High (ATH) valuation of $3.5 billion.

What is the project goal of TokenFi? 
TokenFi's goal is to become the leading platform in the rapidly growing tokenization industry, which is projected to be worth $16 trillion by 2030. Specifically, TokenFi aims to:

  • Simplify the process of creating and launching tokens and tokenizing assets, making it accessible to anyone without coding knowledge.
  • Provide an all-in-one tokenization platform with multiple products that will disrupt the tokenization industry, including TokenFi Token Launcher, TokenFi QuickLaunch Bot, TokenFi Launchpad, TokenFi Generative AI, TokenFi AI Smart Contract Auditor, TokenFi Connect, TokenFi RWA Tokenization Module.
  • Accelerate the adoption of tokenization by lowering barriers to entry.
  • Enable the tokenization of real-world assets (RWAs).
  • Connect token creators with key industry players like VCs, market makers, exchanges, and influencers.
  • Drive utility and adoption of the $TOKEN cryptocurrency, which is used as the main utility token across TokenFi's products.
  • Leverage the expertise and reach of the Floki team to rapidly grow TokenFi's user base and establish it as a dominant player in the tokenization space.

By achieving these goals, TokenFi aims to play a pivotal role in bringing tokenization to the mainstream and unlocking the massive potential of this emerging industry.

What is $TOKEN? What are its use cases?
TOKEN has multiple use cases, such as:

  • Main utility token: $TOKEN is used across all TokenFi products and services as the primary utility token.
  • Transaction fees: Users pay fees in $TOKEN for various actions on the TokenFi platform, such as creating tokens, launching fundraising campaigns, or using TokenFi's services.
  • Staking: Users can stake $TOKEN to earn rewards and gain access to platform benefits.
  • Access to pre-sales and launches: Holding or staking $TOKEN can provide users with early or priority access to token sales and launches on the TokenFi platform.

What sets TokenFi apart from other Web3 projects?
TokenFi sets itself apart from other Web3 projects in several key ways:

  • Full suite of tokenization products.
  • No-code solutions
  • Integration with an established ecosystem (Floki)
  • Multi-chain support for all tokenization products
  • AI technology to generative NFT art and smart contract auditing
  • Strong industrial partners like DWF Labs.
  • User incentive system

What can we expect from TokenFi this 2024? 
For 2024 and beyond, TokenFi plans to  launch the following:

  • TokenFi Generative AI for NFTs: TokenFi will release TokenFi Generative AI to allow TokenFi users to leverage the power of Generative AI for Non-Fungible Tokens they create. This will allow users to generate quick, high-quality artwork for their NFT launches with just a few clicks.
  • TokenFi AI Smart Contract Auditor: TokenFi contracts are audited by the leading industry security auditor Certik, giving TokenFi users assurance about the security of tokens they create through the platform. TokenFi AI Smart Contract Auditor takes things further by performing an on-the-spot audit of tokens created while also allowing users to generate a branded audit report that they can show off to increase trust in their tokens.
  • TokenFi Connect: TokenFi Connect will allow users to directly and seamlessly connect with key crypto institutions, including market makers, exchanges, and VCs that allow deeper access to liquidity for their tokens. It will allow users to connect with influencers and thought leaders who can get the word out about their crypto projects.
  • TokenFi RWA Tokenization Module: The TokenFi RWA Tokenization Module will allow users to quickly and seamlessly tokenize Real World Assets (RWA) that are not securities through the TokenFi platform.

You can find the full protocol roadmap here

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