Yokai Rumble: The Future of Play-to-Earn Card Games

Explore Yokai Rumble, the fast-paced Play-to-Earn card game on Solana. Compete, collect NFTs, and win $YOK tokens. A skill-based, inflation-free Web3 gaming experience!
Yokai Rumble: The Future of Play-to-Earn Card Games

What is Yokai Rumble?

Yokai Rumble is a Play-to-Earn (P2E) card game powered by the Solana blockchain. Designed for strategic fun and rewarding gameplay, Yokai Rumble offers fast-paced 5-10 minute matches where players compete for $YOK tokens. With a fixed-supply token economy and no institutional backing, the game emphasizes fairness, community, and a player-first approach.

Key Features of Yokai Rumble

1. Strategically Deep Gameplay

  • Quick Matches: Each duel lasts only 5-10 minutes, perfect for fast yet intense competition.
  • Biome Variety: Matches are spiced up by varying biomes that influence card behavior on the board.
  • Skill-Based Strategy: Players must analyze game situations and decide whether to retreat or double their stakes, adding a layer of tactical depth.

2. Card Collecting and Customization

  • Unlockable Playable Cards: Accessible by simply playing the game.
  • NFT-Based Variants: Purchase card skins through $YOK tokens or secondary NFT markets.
  • Level-Up System: Cards gain cosmetic effects as players level them up, enabling unique customization.

3. Sustainable Economy

  • No Inflation: Players wager and win $YOK from each other, eliminating inflationary token rewards.
  • Revoked Token Contract: Ensures no additional tokens can ever be minted, safeguarding token value.
  • No VC Influence: Without institutional investors, the game avoids pay-to-win mechanics and predatory financial models.

4. Fair and Balanced Gameplay

  • No Pay-to-Win Mechanics: All cards are unlockable without requiring NFT purchases.
  • Cosmetic-Only Purchases: Players can buy in-game cosmetics without affecting competitive balance.
  • Dynamic Updates: Regular monitoring and card adjustments ensure a fair and fresh gaming experience.

What is $YOK and Its Use Cases?

The $YOK token is central to Yokai Rumble's ecosystem:

  • Match Wagers: Players stake $YOK in competitive duels, with the winner taking the prize.
  • NFT Purchases: Unlock card variants and other in-game cosmetics using $YOK.

With a fixed supply of 11 billion tokens, $YOK ensures long-term value for its holders and players.


  • Max Supply: 11,000,000,000 $YOK
  • Developer Allocation: 15% retained by the team; the rest is in a decentralized exchange (DEX) liquidity pool.
  • Blockchain: Solana
  • Contract Address: GEBGtN9hU2HAXssKQuMnjTwBqe6tjiWoW5dnCwcd9mgb

Yokai Rumble Roadmap (2024 and Beyond)

  • Q4 2024: Launching the Android app with 33 cards and 28 biomes.
  • January 2025: Introduction of the Card Variants feature with collectible NFTs.
  • February 2025: Complete rollout of the base set (80 cards) and biomes (48 total).
  • Q2 2025 Onward: Expansion with new cards, card variants, and innovative gameplay mechanics.

Why Choose Yokai Rumble?

Expertly Designed by Passionate Gamers

The Yokai Rumble team, active in crypto since 2017, prioritizes delivering a finished, engaging product from day one.


By avoiding institutional funding, Yokai Rumble ensures a balanced and fair experience for its players.

A New Era of Web3 Gaming

With its revolutionary P2E mechanics, Yokai Rumble aims to set a new standard for blockchain-based gaming.

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