How to Send Money to Palawan Express, LBC, M Lhuillier

Stay safe at home and send remittances online to Palawan Express Pera Padala, LBC, and M Lhuillier using
How to Send Money to Palawan Express, LBC, M Lhuillier

Need to send money? No matter where you are in the Philippines, you can stay safe at home and use your Coins Wallet to send remittances to anyone via Palawan Express Pera Padala, LBC, and M Lhuillier.

To use this service, your account must be ID and Selfie (Level 2) verified. Not enough funds in your Wallet? You can add funds to your Wallet directly using your mobile banking app or e-wallet. (Read: How to Cash In Online). Hindi mo kailangan umalis ng bahay!

Here's how to send money via remittance centers nationwide:

1. Palawan Express Pera Padala

2. LBC

3. M Lhuillier

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