How to Spot Trade on the Coins App

Learn how to elevate your crypto journey with Coins Pro—spot trade over 90 token pairs with the lowest trading fees in the country!

Take your crypto journey to the next level!

Spot trade 90+ token pairs on Coins Pro and get the lowest trading fees in the country!

  1. On the Services menu of the home screen, click Coins Pro.
  2. Click on the upper left part of the screen on the trading pair (e.g. USDC/PHP) to see the full list of trading pairs available and choose the one you want to trade.
  3. Click the Buy or Sell button to make a trade and select your preferred order type (Limit, Market or Stop-Limit).
  4. Input the buy or sell amount as well as other details, once done, click the Buy or Sell button below to place your trade.

Order Types on Coins Pro

  • Limit: Sets a specific price at which you want to buy or sell
  • Market: Executes the trade at the current market price
  • Stop-Limit: Sets a price to trigger the trade and a limit price to execute it

Take advantage of a wide variety of PHP and USDT trading pairs available and the best rates and lowest fees. Spot trade on Coins Pro now!

Take advantage of a wide variety of PHP and USDT trading pairs available and the best rates and lowest fees. Spot trade on Coins Pro now!

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