PHPC: The First Retail Philippine Peso Stablecoin

Learn more about PHPC!

PHPC, the first retail stablecoin pegged 1:1 with the Philippine Peso, is regulated by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), the country’s central bank. PHPC is a digital Peso enabled by blockchain. It offers a secure and trusted way for Filipinos to send funds. 

Why use PHPC?

  • Safe & Secure: PHPC is regulated and backed 1:1 with Pesos. 
  • Easy Transfers: PHPC empowers you to send and receive money internationally in near real-time and at low cost versus traditional channels. 

How to Buy/Sell PHPC:

  1. Open the app and click the "Buy/Sell" button.
  2. Enter the desired amount of PHPC you want to buy or sell. 
  3. Confirm your transaction and start using PHPC!

How to convert PHPC with other cryptocurrencies:

  1. Go to the website and visit your "Portfolio" tab. 
  2. Select your PHPC balance and click "Buy/Sell." 
  3. Choose the "Convert" option and pick your desired token pair (BTC-PHPC, USDT-PHPC, or ETH-PHPC).

Sending PHPC:

  1. Open the app and go to your "Portfolio" tab.
  2. Click "Withdraw" and select "Send Crypto."
  3. Choose the recipient's wallet ( or external) and select the network (RONIN or POLYGON). Double-check all details before sending.
  4. Confirm your transaction, and done! Your PHPC is on its way.

Use PHPC today! Get PHPC now on the app and website to unlock the benefits of using a fully backed, fully regulated digital Peso built on blockchain!

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