Which PLDT Wifi Plan Should You Get?

Check out this quick guide on which PLDT prepaid WiFi or PLDT postpaid is best for you.

These days, regular access to the Internet isn’t just a luxury -- it’s a necessity. While most people would like to have high-speed unlimited Internet, different users have different budgets, needs, and lifestyles.

With PLDT, you have a lot of options. But before deciding on a plan, check out this quick guide on which PLDT prepaid WiFi or PLDT postpaid is best for you.

PLDT Prepaid WiFi: PROS and CONS

PRO: Budget-friendly

As the name suggests, you need to pay first before being granted Internet access. Once you’ve used up your limit, you’ll need to reload before continuing the service so you don’t risk overspending.

The limitations make it easy to match a promo that fits your budget. And with FamLoad promos as low as P50, the PLDT prepaid WiFi is an affordable option for many Filipinos.

PRO: No lock-in or added fees

Since prepaid plans are pay-per-use, you don’t have a set contract period or additional fees for usage. Whatever the amount is on the promo is all you have to load into your device.

CON: You can run out of load

Being limited by how much load you credit to your device is both a blessing and a curse. While it's nice to be able to stick to your budget, it's never pleasant to have your Netflix binge or your Mobile Legends game cut off if you suddenly forget to keep track of your remaining balance.

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Other than the number of load credits available, you also have to keep track of when your load or FamLoad promo is about to expire. If you don't, you might find yourself unable to access the Internet just when you need to send an important email or have a Skype meeting.


PRO: Higher speed

PLDT postpaid plans have Internet speeds starting from 3mbps (DSL) up to 100mbps (Fibr) so if Internet speed is your biggest consideration, a PLDT broadband plan will be your best bet.

PRO: Unlimited usage

Unlike the prepaid plans which have a data cap for each promo, all PLDT broadband plans come in unlimited which means you're free to surf, play, post, and binge-watch to your heart's desire.

PRO: Once a month payment

Keeping track of when you need to reload can still be a hassle. If you want to keep payments simple, stick to broadband and pay just one time each month.

PRO: Proof of billing

Whether you need to apply for a credit card, get a loan, or open a bank account, proof of billing is always going to be a requirement. Your broadband billing statement is accepted as proof of billing in any application. You can also use your billing statement for your address verification to increase your Coins.ph Wallet limits! (Read: What is Address Verified?)

Related: How to Open a Bank Account in the Philippines

CON: Lock-in and fees

Unlike with prepaid, subscribing to a postpaid service puts you into a contract with PLDT for the next 24 months. This means, termination of service anytime before the contract is over will warrant cancellation fees. This also means late payments and other activities (subject to terms and conditions) may warrant late fees and penalties.

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