How to Stay Safe on Social Media

Be vigilant against fake news and online scams on social media sites such as Facebook. Stay alert and keep these reminders in mind.
How to Stay Safe on Social Media

We urge you to be vigilant against fake news and online scams on social media sites such as Facebook. Verify the sources of posts you see on social media sites and don't easily trust DMs from people you don't know.

Stay alert and keep these reminders in mind to know if a Facebook page or post is fake and if the DM you received is a scam:

How do I know if a Facebook page is fake?

There are 4 sure signs that a Facebook page is fake:

  1. It's new and it only has a few likes and followers
  2. The posts are repetitive and spammy
  3. Content is low - there are only a handful of photos and videos
  4. There's no blue verified checkmark
Remember: The official Facebook page has a blue “verified” check mark next to the name

Related: 5 Ways to Spot a Fake Page on Social Media

How do I know if a Facebook post is fake?

Be careful with FB posts that claim you have won a prize or contest. There are 4 signs that this is a fake post:

  1. There's no blue verified checkmark next to the page name. This could be a fake or unverified page. Remember that the official page has a blue verified checkmark next to the page name.
  2. The promo announcement cannot be seen on the official ages and app. promos are announced on the official FB page, blog, and in the app.
  3. It has a link that doesn't direct to This could link to a phishing site. Only log in through the official domain of at
  4. It shares your private information. Your privacy is important to us. We will never share your personal Facebook profile or other private information on our pages.

I received a DM from an unknown sender. Can I trust it?

Stay alert when you receive a DM from someone you don't know, especially if they claim to be from Be sure to verify and report the sender immediately especially if they ask for your password, OTP codes, and other private information.

Remember: will only send you a message through the email address, app, and official FB page. Take note that we will NEVER ask for your password or OTP codes via email, text, or call.

What should I do If I see a fake page/post or I receive a suspicious DM?

If you receive anything suspicious or encounter fake pages, please inform us immediately. You may send us an email at or tap Send us a Message in your app.

Stay vigilant and help keep the Coins Community safe and secure!

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