What is BLUR?

The BLUR token is the native token for BLUR NFT Marketplace. It acts as a governance token for the marketplace. It is an ERC-20 governance token, with a maximum supply of three billion.
What is BLUR?


  • $BLUR is the native token for the BLUR NFT marketplace which provides faster and cheaper transactions than other NFT Marketplaces
  • The BLUR NFT marketplace has analytics tools allowing users to have a quick rundown of their portfolio worth and also has a ‘sniping’ tool allowing traders to ‘snipe NFT before it hit the mainstream market.
  • $BLUR was given out to BLUR NFT marketplace users in the form of an airdrop which ended on the 14th of Feb, but the team has announced that there might be another round of airdrops.
  • Users looking to get $BLUR airdrop will need to interact with the BLUR marketplace, list their NFTs and buy and sell NFTs to earn points.

What is BLUR?

BLUR is an NFT marketplace that caters to professional traders, where it allows users to trade NFT at a faster speed and allows users to compare NFTs across various marketplaces. Users can list an NFT on the BLUR Marketplace and upload it to other NFT marketplaces with a push of a button. Best of all, BLUR charges no trade fees at the current moment.

BLUR NFT marketplace homepage

The BLUR platform is built on the Ethereum blockchain. It supports professional NFT traders by helping its users to optimize profits and trade seamlessly.  Traders can ‘snipe’ NFT before it hits mainstream NFT marketplaces like OpenSea. BLUR marketplace platform features real-time price feeds, where traders can sort NFTs based on price. The platform also has an analytics tab that allows users to have a quick rundown of how valuable an NFT is and calculates their current NFT portfolio based on current market prices. In addition, BLUR does not charge any trade fees.

The $BLUR Token

The BLUR token is the native token for BLUR NFT Marketplace. It acts as a governance token for the marketplace.  It is an ERC-20 governance token, with a maximum supply of three billion. 12% of the three billion supply is allocated to its airdrop holders, where the first BLUR airdrop, delivered in the form of Care Packages, was announced on October 19, 2022 to any users who traded NFTs on Ethereum in the last six months before their October launch. Subsequently, the team airdropped $BLUR care packages throughout the next 6 months.

The more BLUR tokens you hold, the more power you have in voting.

Besides targeting professional NFT traders, BLUR aims to support NFT creators by ensuring that creators are paid their royalties. This is done by incentivizing creators with additional BLUR tokens when they list their NFTs on the marketplace. In contrast, other NFT marketplace competitors do not offer compulsory royalties for their creators.

BLUR Tokenomics?

BLUR has a maximum supply of 3,000,000,000 tokens which are split into its community treasury, past and future core contributors, investors, and advisors.

Illustration of BLUR Allocation

The community treasury holds the highest percentage of tokens at almost 51%. In comparison, the investors and advisors hold less than 20% of the maximum supply, which allows for decentralization within the BLUR community.

BLUR recently did an airdrop that unlocked 360 million tokens (or 12% of Max Supply) to users using BLUR Marketplace to list their NFTs and buy or sell NFTs.

BLUR Token Airdrop

BLUR has released 3 rounds of Care Packages airdrops. The Care Packages have different tiers of rarity, ranging from Unrevealed, Uncommon, Rare, and Legendary. Users were able to exchange their Care Packages for $BLUR tokens on February 14, 2023, the day of the launch of the $BLUR token.

The BLUR team has also hinted that there will be another round of airdrop or Season 2.

To qualify for the airdrop, users will have to accumulate points that can be earned by listing NFTs, using tools on BLUR Marketplace and sweeping NFT collections.

How to buy BLUR?

You can purchase BLUR which is via Coins Pro. Coins Pro is a safe, secure, and regulated in the Philippines.

Via Coins Pro, BSP Licensed Spot Exchange:

  1. Step 1: Log into your Coins Pro account and click [Balance].
  2. Step 2: Select the currency you want to deposit, click on [Deposit] and enter your desired cash-in amount.
  3. Step 3: Select BLUR/PHP pair and enter the [Order Quantity]  you would like to trade.
  4. Step 4: Click Buy or Sell to place your Limit and Stop Orders.
  5. Step 5: Wait for your order to be filled
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