What is SLP (Smooth Love Potion)?

SLP is the in-game currency of Axie Infinity. Players can earn SLP through quests and battles

SLP (Smooth Love Potion) is the latest cryptocurrency you can buy, sell, and store on your Coins wallet. Here are some of the main things you need to know about SLP:

SLP is the in-game currency of Axie Infinity.

Players can earn SLP within Axie Infinity itself just by playing the game. These include in-game activities such as completing daily quests, battling in-game enemies through adventure mode, or taking part in arena battles against other players.

SLP can be used to breed Axies.

In Axie Infinity, SLP is required to breed two Axies with one another. Breeding Axies allows players to create an entirely new Axie with specific traits that will help them succeed as they play the game. SLP is burned for any new Axie that is created from breeding.

There is no maximum supply for SLP.

SLP does not have a hard cap on its total supply. Instead, SLP is continuously generated within Axie Infinity by those who play the game and is burned every time new Axies are created as a result of breeding. This means that the circulating supply for SLP is constantly changing.

Disclaimer: The value of cryptocurrencies is highly volatile and may go up and down at any time. Buying, selling, and/or holding cryptocurrencies carry a substantial risk and may not be suitable for everyone. Carefully consider your financial condition and risk appetite before making any cryptocurrency transaction.

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