BTC Buy, HODL and Earn is Back!

Get 5% rewards on your BTC holdings when you buy and hold a minimum of 0.001 BTC in your wallet from February 12, 2024 to March 10, 2024.
BTC Buy, HODL and Earn is Back!

Get ready for another round of BTC Buy, HODL and Earn! Get 5% rewards on your BTC holdings when you buy and hold a minimum of 0.001 BTC in your wallet from February 12, 2024 to March 10, 2024.

How It Works

  1. Buy and Hold: Purchase at least 0.001 BTC and keep it in your wallet throughout the promotion period.
  2. Reward Calculation:
    • Net Buy: Calculate your total BTC net buy by subtracting your total BTC sold from your total BTC purchased.
    • Average Holding Balance: Determine your average BTC holding balance.
    • Reward Determination: Rewards will be based on the lower of the two amounts (net buy or holding balance).
  3. Weekly Crediting: Rewards will be credited directly to your wallet every week.
  4. Choose Your Currency: While rewards are typically given in BTC, you can opt to receive them in Philippine Peso (PHP). To switch your reward currency, complete a request form at Support. Expect changes to reflect within seven working days.

Terms and Conditions

1. The BTC Buy, Hold and Earn Program is open to all users with verification level 2.
2. This Promotion will start from February 12, 2024 to March 10, 2024.
3. Rewards are calculated on a 5% per annum basis.
4. Users can earn rewards on a maximum of 1 BTC holdings.
5. Coins reserves the right to cancel or amend the Mechanics at its sole discretion including which tokens will be eligible for Buy, HODL and Earn and the percentage of rewards to be received.
6. reserves the rights to disqualify and exclude users who are involved in any dishonest or fraudulent behaviors (i.e wash trading, illegally bulk registered accounts, market manipulation).

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