FDUSD Convert-to-Earn!

A new task has launched on Rewards Hub! Trade FDUSD on Coins Convert (Buy/Sell feature) and win 5 FDUSD back. 
FDUSD Convert-to-Earn!

A new task has launched on Rewards Hub! Trade FDUSD on Coins Convert (Buy/Sell feature) and win 5 FDUSD back.

How it Works

To participate in this limited-time task, follow these simple steps:

  1. Trade FDUSD: Buy or sell ₱3,000 worth of FDUSD using the Coins Convert feature.
  2. Be Among the First: Only the first 600 participants will be eligible to receive rewards.
  3. Claim Your Reward: Each eligible winner will receive 5 FDUSD.

Don’t forget to check the Rewards Hub on the Coins.ph app for updates on your progress and to explore other exciting promotions!

Important Dates:

  • Start Date: August 28, 2024
  • End Date: September 15, 2024 (or until the cap of 600 winners is reached).

With a total prize pool of 3,000 FDUSD at stake, there’s no better time to trade FDUSD on Coins Convert!

Terms and Conditions

  1. The Program is open to individuals aged 18 or older with an Identity Verified Coins.ph Account. 
  2. Participation is limited to users based in the Philippines.
  3. Both buy and sell trades will be tallied.
  4. Rewards will be disbursed to users’ accounts and are non-transferable and must be accepted as awarded.
  5. Any disputes concerning the conduct of this Program will be resolved by Coins.ph at its sole discretion.
  6. For inquiries regarding the Program, participants can complete the Coins Support Form here.
  7. By participating in this Program, participants agree to abide by these Terms and Conditions.
  8. Coins.ph reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions, including but not limited to the eligibility criteria, program period, and reward distribution, at its sole discretion. Participants are encouraged to review the Terms and Conditions regularly for any updates or changes.
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