Fee-Free VENOM Withdrawals on Ethereum (ERC20) Network – Limited-Time Offer!

From September 23 to October 7, 2024, withdraw VENOM without gas fees using the Ethereum (ERC20) Network. Save more and enjoy this limited-time offer while it lasts!
Fee-Free VENOM Withdrawals on Ethereum (ERC20) Network – Limited-Time Offer!

From September 23 to October 7, 2024, Coins.ph is offering fee-free VENOM withdrawals through the Ethereum (ERC20) network. This limited-time promotion allows you to save on gas fees while transferring VENOM tokens to your external wallet.

How to Withdraw VENOM with No Gas Fees

Withdrawing VENOM from Coins.ph is quick and easy. Just follow these simple steps to take advantage of fee-free VENOM withdrawals:

  1. Open the Coins.ph app and navigate to your Portfolio.
  2. Tap Withdraw and select VENOM.
  3. Choose Send to external wallet and select Ethereum (ERC20).
  4. The gas fee will automatically show as zero!

That’s it—start fee-free VENOM withdrawals today and transfer your VENOM tokens without any worries about gas fees.

Terms and Conditions

  1. This promo period is from September 23 (8:00 AM Manila Time) to October 7 (11:59 PM Manila Time).
  2. Open to individuals 18 years or older who are residing in the Philippines.
  3. Coins.ph reserves the right to cancel or modify the terms of this promotion at its discretion.
  4. In case of doubts regarding eligibility, please complete the Coins Support Form for assistance.
  5. Users engaging in fraudulent behavior (e.g., wash trading, market manipulation) will be disqualified.

Why You Should Take Advantage of Fee-Free Withdrawals

Fee-free VENOM withdrawals allow you to maximize your savings when moving your VENOM tokens. Here are a few key benefits of this promotion:

  • No Gas Fees: Enjoy zero gas fees when withdrawing your VENOM tokens via the ERC20 network.
  • Easy and Fast: Withdrawals are simple and take just a few taps on the Coins.ph app.
  • Limited-Time Offer: Act quickly, as this offer ends on October 7, 2024.
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