Here's Why You Should Use UMA to Receive BTC

With the Universal Money Address (UMA) available on, you can receive BTC from all over the world in near real time, at a fraction of the cost.
Here's Why You Should Use UMA to Receive BTC

With the Universal Money Address (UMA) available on, you can receive BTC from all over the world in near real time, at a fraction of the cost.

But, why use UMA? Here’s why!

Easy to Use

Having a personalized address, your UMA, makes everything simpler! Gone are the days we need to copy long, confusing and annoying addresses. With UMA, you can share an address that closely resembles an email address, making it easier for you to share among family and peers.

Global Reach

UMA is available in over 40 countries, that means you’re able to receive BTC from other UMA-enabled wallets, banks and platforms across the globe. You can start receiving UMA anywhere, anytime.

Quick & Convenient

Transactions through UMA offer a quick and seamless payment experience with an average transaction time of 1.4 seconds.

Always Available

24/7, 365 days a year, UMA is always available for you to use! Receive BTC across borders, no matter the timezone.

Ready to give UMA a try? Learn how you can start receiving BTC via UMA here.

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