New Feature Alert: Coins Launchpool is Live!

Discover the new Coins Launchpool! Get airdrops by simply locking tokens! Web is live now, with mobile launching on April 3, 2025.
New Feature Alert: Coins Launchpool is Live!

We’re excited to announce that Coins Launchpool has arrived on web, with mobile coming to you April 3, 2025!

With this latest feature, you can get airdrops by locking tokens on Coins! 

Ready to start stacking airdrops? Let’s dive into the all new Coins Launchpool feature! 

How It Works:

  • Lock select tokens
  • Receive airdrops based on the amount of tokens locked and the duration of the lock 
  • Claim airdrops anytime by unlocking your tokens, or automatically receive your airdrop after the Launchpool period ends

Stay Tuned!

W3GG Launchpool will begin on April 3, 2025. A whopping 186,666 $W3GG will be up for grabs. All you need to do is lock USDT and/or YGG to join and get an airdrop! 

Terms and Conditions

  1. The program is designed to reward users with airdrops based on the amount of tokens locked and the duration of the lock period.
  2. The promotion is open to individuals who are at least 18 years old and have an Identity Verified account.
  3. Airdrops can be claimed at any time during the Launchpool period by unlocking tokens. Otherwise, it will be automatically credited to your spot wallet after the Launchpool ends.
  4. Airdrops are non-transferable and must be accepted as awarded.
  5. reserves the right to cancel or amend the mechanics at its sole discretion including which tokens will be eligible for the program and the amount of airdrops to be received.
  6. Personal information collected from participants will be used in accordance with’s privacy policy.
  7. Any disputes concerning the conduct of this Program will be resolved by at its sole discretion.
  8. By participating in this Program, participants agree to these Terms and Conditions.
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