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Like to sing? Want some Crypto, too? Then play SingSing today!

Like to sing? Want some Crypto, too? Then play SingSing today!

Posted on June 22, 2023

Last update on June 29, 2023

SingSing is the newest Coins Arcade Web 3.0 game that lets you sing and earn crypto!

Visit the Coins Arcade, click on the SingSing icon, and make sure that you’ve registered your SingSing account with your Coins email address:

Once done, follow these 5 steps:

1. Get BUSD and BNB into your Coins Arcade wallet.

Buy BNB in Coins (using PHP) and send this to an external wallet (i.e. a public address of web3 wallet).

For BUSD/BNB, simply copy and paste the public address of your web3 wallet and deposit via any external wallet such as Trust, Metamask, etc.

2. Log in to SingSing.

3. Connect your Coins wallet to SingSing:

4. Get $SING using the in-game exchange.

Transfer BNB & BUSD to your spending wallet.

5. Buy a microphone and start singing.

Go to the Microphone section to select the Microphone you want to use.

Select the  Sing section and choose the song you want. Then sing it! Once done, you can upload your recorded performance and/or share on your social media platforms; challenge your friends and family

By just singing, you earn $SING that you can sell on the marketplace for BUSD. Once that BUSD is in your spending wallet, simply transfer it to your Coins crypto wallet and it’s yours.

Easy? Yes. Fun? YES! So sing and earn today with Singsing!

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