Receive BTC with Your UMA!

The wait is over! Easily and conveniently receive BTC using your Universal Money Address (UMA) today!
Receive BTC with Your UMA!

The wait is over! Easily and conveniently receive BTC using your Universal Money Address (UMA) today!

How to find my UMA

Every user now has a unique, pre-generated Universal Money Address (UMA).

To find your UMA, simply do the following:

Step 1: Login to your account using the website. Click ‘Portfolio’, click on the options button next to Bitcoin (BTC) then choose “Deposit BTC”.

Step 2: Choose the Bitcoin (Lightning) Network

Step 3: Select the ‘Deposit via UMA’ option

Step 4: Copy your UMA and share it with the sender

Discover the ease and speed of receiving BTC with your UMA on Simply log in to the website, navigate to ‘Deposit BTC,’ and select ‘Deposit via UMA’ to get started. Try it out now!

Have you tried receiving BTC with your UMA yet? We'd love to hear how it went! Share your feedback and suggestions via

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