Spot Trading Pairs Update

In line with our continuous efforts to maintain a streamlined and efficient trading environment, will be delisting a few spot trading pairs as part of our regular review. 
Spot Trading Pairs Update

In line with our continuous efforts to maintain a streamlined and efficient trading environment, will be delisting a few spot trading pairs as part of our regular review. 

In line with our continuous efforts to maintain a streamlined and efficient trading environment, will be delisting a few spot trading pairs as part of our regular review. 

These are: 


Delisting Timeline:

Spot Trading for these pairs will end on December 24, 2024 at 3:00pm PHT. All open orders for these pairs will be automatically canceled.


  • Close any open orders for the delisted pairs beforehand
  • You may still spot trade PHP pairs of DOG, SUNDOG and TOKEN before the delisting timeline. 

Thank you for your understanding. Should you have any questions please feel free to reach out to us via the Coins Help Center.

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