Coins Wiki: TRON Ecosystem

Learn more about the thriving ecosystem built on TRON.

TRON is the foundational blockchain platform created since 2017. It aims to provide a decentralized infrastructure for building and executing smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps). TRON uses a Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) consensus mechanism and has its native cryptocurrency, TRX, which plays a central role in the network.

Through the years, TRON has created a thriving ecosystem with multiple projects and platforms using its blockchain. Some of them are:

  1. JUST: JUST is the first DeFi project on TRON which aims to build a TRON-powered stablecoin lending platform. It is also the first project on LaunchBase under Poloniex, one of the world's top three digital asset exchange platforms by trading volume. JUST features a dual-token system with its first token, USDJ, a stablecoin pegged at 1:1 with USD. JST, the other token, is used for paying interest, platform maintenance, voting to participate in governance, and other campaigns on JUST.
  2. BitTorrent Protocol: Acquired by TRON in 2018, BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer file-sharing protocol which allows its 2 million users to distribute data across the internet efficiently. The integration of BitTorrent with the TRON ecosystem aims to create decentralized file-sharing and content distribution solutions using blockchain technology. BitTorrent has a vast user base and plays a significant role in TRON's vision of decentralized content sharing.
  3. SUN Platform: SUN was designed to provide users with various DeFi services, including yield farming, token lending, and liquidity mining. The SUN token, associated with this platform, was introduced as part of the DeFi wave on TRON.
  4. stUSDT: stUSDT is a receipt token that conforms to TRC-20 and ERC-20 standards and can be obtained by staking USDT into the stUSDT-RWA Contract. The exchange rate between stUSDT and USDT is kept at 1:1 by the stUSDT-RWA Contract (special rules may apply).The stUSDT-RWA Contract, built on the TRON network, shares the network’s inherent advantages of cost-effectiveness and operational efficiency. Continuously refining its RWA strategy, the contract ensures users can start accruing rewards soon after they get on board.

These projects are interconnected within the TRON ecosystem, with the TRON blockchain serving as the underlying infrastructure. The acquisition of BitTorrent and the development of DApps like JUST and the SUN platform are efforts to expand the use cases and adoption of the TRON blockchain, particularly in areas related to decentralized content sharing, decentralized finance, and decentralized exchanges.

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