Coins Wiki: $ALT (Archloot)

$ALT is the governance token of the Archloot, an adventure RPG, gaming ecosystem. With $ALT, create impact with the game developments and vote on in-game improvements.

Published September 12, 2023.

$ALT is the governance token of the Archloot, an adventure RPG, gaming ecosystem. With $ALT, create impact with the game developments and vote on in-game improvements.

Token name






ArchLoot (ALT) is a BNB chain based crypto game.

Overview of Token

Classified as governance/utility token, holders of ALT will be able to participate in the governance of the ArchLoot gaming ecosystem. They will be able to make their impact on the roadmap of the project, voting on improvement proposals, and enjoy certain privileges from the game.

Advisors & Partners

Alphabit, YBB, Y2Z, Kryptos, FBG Capital, Stratified Capital, Principal Ventures

Circulating Supply

As of Sept 6, 2023:

Contract Address


Max Supply



BNB Chain

Year in-corporated


Governance Token


Token Use Cases

Governance procedure (creation and voting on improvement proposals) and soon, in-game utility. 

What is $ALT (Archloot)?

Launched in 2022, ArchLoot is a UGC (user-generated content) NFT game with loot-style composability and playability. Built on BNB Chain, it provides the first interactive gameplay in the industry, which fully enables on-chain implementation of upgradeable characters/props NFTs and unleashes its potential for playability and user-generated content robustness. The game intends to build an ecosystem, including a great game and a creative community, that truly achieves a balance between playability, accessibility, and profitability.

To learn more on recent Archloot updates, visit today!

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