coins for payment
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Collection and Disbursement APIs
Seamless collection and disbursement with the Coins Wallet, InstaPay, PESONet, and over-the-counter channels.
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Scan to pay!
Accept payments from any bank or e-wallet with QR Ph. Generate transaction QR codes integrated with your system for streamlined operations and an elevated customer experience.
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Forex (FX) trading made easy with Coins TradeDesk’s dedicated client management team.  Trade USD, AUD, CAD, EUR, JPY, NZD, GBP, CHF, SGD, HKD and THB.
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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the requirements to open a Business Account with

Register for a new Coins account here: Make sure to select Business Account for the account type.

What are some examples where crypto can be used for payments, remittances and lending?

Stablecoins are a type of cryptocurrency where the value is pegged to a stable asset such as the US Dollar. This makes it ideal for payments, remittances and cross-border settlements as stablecoins harness the power of blockchain technology for swift transfers, while maintaining a stable price. Coins supports stablecoins such as USDT and USDC among others.

Meanwhile, through crypto-leveraged lending, an account holder may borrow up to a certain percentage of holdings, providing vital liquidity and enhancing cash flow or capital for sustained growth and operational flexibility.

Can a foreign company open an account with Coins. ph?

Yes, foreign companies can open an account with Simply register for an account via and select Business Account.

How do we get in touch with the Business Development team?

To get in touch with us, you may send an email to or click the Get Started button and fill out the form.